The Computer Literacy Program for Underprivileged (CLP) was originally conceived in 2004 by several Bangladeshis Americans living in New Jersey with the mission of empowering underprivileged youths through computer literacy training and technology-aided improved teaching. CLP was first introduced to donors and recipients as the New Jersey Chapter of the Volunteers Association for Bangladesh (VAB), a New York charity focused on providing improved education to underprivileged secondary school students in Bangladesh. In 2012, CLP grew into an independent US501@ (3) organization.
Since its beginning, CLP progressively spawned innovative programs to bridge the digital divide between the underprivileged and affluent students and advance their education excellence with the help of modern technology. These programs span from establishing computer literacy centers (CLCs), certifying and training instructors, creating educational materials to be consumed digitally, and enabling remote learning opportunities. As of August , CLP has established 306 CLCs ans 201 SCRs in 55 districts of Bangladesh. As of September 2021, CLCs have trained around 149,548 students, 57.33% of those being females.