An independent evaluation by a student from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University”, Boston, MA, USA
CLP (a successor organization of New Jersey chapter of the Volunteers Association for Bangladesh (VAB-NJ) conceptualized the Computer Literacy Program as an initiative through which CLCs would be established at educational institutions throughout Bangladesh to help underprivileged youths learn computer usage. The CLP is a complete package which includes the establishment of a computer lab at each CLC, development of a structured hands-on curriculum, development of training manuals for both teachers and students, creation of a pool of trained teachers, and providing the required technical support and monitoring to ensure smooth operation of the computer labs. Each computer lab is equipped with a minimum of four computers, one printer, necessary voltage regulator/stabilizers and other accessories. Dnet implemented this vision. The on-the-ground tasks include site selection for CLCs, developing curricula, preparing instruction manuals, training the teachers, supervising the smooth operation of the centres, and technical support and maintenance. Dnet has the technical expertise, innovative ideas for implementation, and the necessary motivation.
Given the existence of a mature program management and operations capability on the ground, a strong, proven basic curriculum, and well-functioning computer laboratories, Dnet and CLP feel it is time to evaluate the impacts of CLCs as a precursor to considering implementing value-added components. The study focus on the overall impact of CLCs and the CLP course on the perceptions, attitudes and decision making processes for students, and the assessment of this impact by teachers, head teachers and guardians. This study conducted by Mr. Ashirul Amin, a Graduate Student (MALD) of “The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University”, Boston, MA, USA.
Computer Literacy Program has been selected for evaluating based on Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) for rural ICT4D project by “Association for Progressive Communications” a South Africa based international organization.
Gender gaps that are widespread in access to basic rights, access to and control of resources, in economic opportunities and also in power and political voice are an impediment to development. Technologies are socially constructed and thus have direct impacts on Gender. A rural ICT4D project cannot automatically address the gender divide in access, use and appropriation for changing lives in positive ways. Association for Progressive Communications ( Women’s Networking Support Program (APC WNSP) selected an ongoing project operating by Dnet titled “Empowering underprivileged youth in Bangladesh through computer literacy (CLP)” for applying their adopted Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) for rural ICT4D project for evaluating the project.
As a GEM practitioner Dnet has been applying GEM for its ICT4D projects gradually. This is a one year research project, financed by APC WNCP. The project output will be a report analyzing the gender dimension of the Computer Literacy Program. The GEM adaptation process aims at sensitizing the project operation stakeholders about gender issues to become more effective in creating access to computer training for the underprivileged. The main research question is whether application of GEM makes a project more effective for the community. For the research work we selected 30 schools as of CLP program starting date for selecting old and new schools, Geographical distribution of schools, Rural-urban schools, girls, boys and coeducation schools. The data gathering strategy was defined after defining the evolution indicators. We collected data by conducting Focus Group Discussion, Observation and case study and interviewed students, teachers, parents by questionnaire fill up. After completing the survey a report had been prepared and submitted the report to APC WNCP and CLP.